
Especially in rural areas, the rising population of seniors is coming to characterize the total demographic development of Germany's population. This observation also applies to the county of Bentheim. The prevalence of age-associated diseases has been increasing as a direct consequence of the increasing life expectancy. As a result, the age-related vacancies of general practitioner practices have also become hard to fill due to this demographic change.

Although the population is generally marked by a declining trend, there is no expectation that the demand in healthcare will be declining. This suggests that the future of medicine is in telemedicine solutions, which overcome spatial separation using audio-visual communication technology, thus revolutionizing medical consultation, diagnostics, and medical emergency services. It is precisely in rural regions thattelemedicine solutions can ensure medical care that fulfills the demand. The county of Bentheim offers ideal conditions for this future-oriented development toward the future.​​



Advancing toward megatrends.

In the coming years and decades, the health care economy must come to terms with trends such as demographic change and digitization. Telemedicine manages a fusion of these two trends. An aging society requires development of new medical technologies, and ensures care that is in keeping with the demand, and that is more efficient. What can be digitized, will be digitized.

E-health technologies network inpatient and outpatient care, along with rehabilitation facilities. This way, the medical care of the future will continue to meet demand while remaining affordable. The growing interest in comprehensive documentation combines e-health technology with improved workflows in hospitals and medical practices. The continuous networking of the 21st century facilitates rapid data exchange between actors.​


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